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Why Does Cher Want to Talk to Paul Giamatti? The Actor Tells Howard Stern

What would you do if you received a message from Cher saying that she needed to talk to you urgently? That’s the situation that Paul Giamatti, the star of The Holdovers, found himself in. He told Howard Stern in an interview that he had been playing a strange game of phone tag with the singer for years, and he still doesn’t know what she wants from him.

Giamatti said that the first time he heard from Cher was about 10 years ago, when he was filming Private Parts, the biopic of Stern. He got a message from someone claiming to be Cher’s assistant, saying that Cher had something important to tell him and that he should call her back. Giamatti was intrigued, but he never got a chance to talk to her.

He said that he tried to call her several times, but he always got her voicemail. He left messages, but he never heard back from her. He wondered if it was a prank, or if she had the wrong number, or if she had changed her mind. He said that he was a big fan of Cher, and he admired her music and movies. He said that he would love to talk to her about anything, even if he had no clue what she wanted from him.

The mystery continued for years, until one day, he got another message from Cher. This time, she left him a voicemail, saying that she heard that he wanted to talk to her. She said that she was sorry for not getting back to him sooner, and that she hoped he was doing well. She said that she would call him again soon.

Giamatti said that he was shocked and confused by the voicemail. He said that he didn’t know how she got his number, or why she thought that he wanted to talk to her. He said that he still didn’t know what she wanted from him, but he was curious and excited. He said that he waited for her call, but he never got it.

He said that he still hopes to talk to Cher someday, and that he has many questions for her. He said that he doesn’t know if she wants to work with him, or if she has a personal issue, or if she just wants to chat. He said that he doesn’t care what the reason is, as long as he gets to talk to her.

Maybe she just wants to say ‘I Got You Babe’ or ask him to ‘Turn Back Time’. Or maybe she has a secret crush on him. Whatever the reason, we hope they can finally connect and have a great conversation.